The Blurb
I was hired to develop a Proof-of-concept web app for a company looking to automate the diagnosis process for urgent cares, specifically with issues involving the ear, nose, and throat. My client came to me with little preferred direction for the web app, with most of the focus being on the custom diagnostic algorithm he developed. I determined the direction of and built a custom web app over the course of 6 weeks and worked with the client to develop a proof of concept that was easy to show to future investors.
- login system for patient and provider
- ranked likely hood of each diagnosis
- Implemented the clients paper algorithm in software
- Static webapp using React, AWS S3, AWS Lambda, and AWS Dynamo DB
Client Review
We developed a computer application for urgent care medicine. In order to bring it to the market, we needed a minimal viable product. Arjun, in his last year at Worcester Polytechnic, looked over our material and developed a working website. It had everything we wanted and is a vital asset to our Patented project. He was accurate, engaged, and innovative. I respect his work and would support him for any job he would apply for.
Contact Me:
[email protected]
schedule a meeting